Frequently Asked Questions

This page lists some of the frequently asked questions regularly popping up at our help desk:

Where can I find the online help?

Adding additional companies

Adding additional company and transfer of employees

Adding payslip item

Adding public holidays

Additional job description

Administrative User

Attendance:  Hours and minutes as decimal number

Attendances:  Using one employee as model

Backup of data

Capture employee’s tax number

Close-off date

Change clock worker to salaried worker (and vice versa)

Clock system: Good practice

Clock worker: Difference between clock worker and salaried worker

Diesel: Changing status of vehicle and re-use of button

Diesel: Export of names to USB and software changes

Diesel system: Good practice

Diesel: Imperative for handwritten log books

Easyfile IRP5 Recon Guidelines

Employees requiring your attention

Enforce capturing of leave

Entering registration codes

Excel CSV import

ID Numbers:  Non South African Employees

Injury on Duty Compensation

Interim payslip:  Bonus and commission

Issuing of button and clock rules

Issuing buttons using a button reader

Issuing buttons without using a button reader

Leave money buying off (not taking leave days but buying off leave)

Manually creating attendances

Payslip:   Advances

Payslip:   Commission

Payslip: Loans with interest

Payslip:   Medical fund transactions

Payslip:   Meter readings electricity

Payslip:   More than one loan

Payslip:   One loan

Payslips: Printout pay item totals

Payslips: Printout total income and deductions (employee totals) [Excel]

Payslips:  Printout total salaries

Payslips: Print a range of payslips

Payslips: Print payslips over a period

Payslip:   Savings

Payslip: Wage corrections

Personnel:   Calculation method of leave

Personnel:   Capturing of leave

Personnel:   Employment equity report

Personnel:   Maternity leave

Personnel :  Own employee numbers

Personnel:  Printout employee list

Personnel:   Re-employment of employee

Personnel: Retrenchment of employee and reimbursing leave

Personnel: Terminate employee’s services and payout of leave

Returns:   Easyfile export of tax numbers

Returns:   Easyfile IRP5

Returns:   UIF Electronic declaration

Short time hours:  Balancing with overtime hours

Statutory tariffs:  Printout

Taking time off:  Paid hours

Tax and UIF Statutory tariffs for tax year

Tax calculation:  Printout

Tax: Difference in PAYE for employees earning the same in a specific month

Tax: Activate ETI

Tax table active on payslips

Time programme: Change time programme of employee

Time roundings:  Arrival and departure

UIF:  UI19 form

UIF: Read about calculation – treatment of gross pay and other income

Wage adjustments:  All employees

Wage adjustment:  Individual employee

Wages tariffs:   Public Holidays

Wages tariffs:  Sundays

Wages:  Transfer overtime to savings plan

Working hours: Required working hours




Africlock time and attendance and diesel control